
7 Healthy Habits to Reduce Depression Risk

Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses that affects people from all walks of life around the world. As per a report by the World Health Organisation, as many as 280 million people worldwide are currently suffering from this debilitating disease. 

If we take into consideration the specifics about 5% of adults are affected by it of which 4% are male and 6% are female. For senior adults above the age of 60 years, the data is 5.7% 

Although it can be caused due to a multitude of reasons including genetics, certain life experiences, and other factors, scientists also consider certain lifestyle choices as contributing reasons that significantly increase the risk of someone developing depression. 

What is Depression?

Depression is generally characterized by feelings of persistent hopelessness and sadness that can manifest as a loss of interest in things or hobbies that were once enjoyed by an individual. 

Although these signs can also be a part of the normal mood ups and downs experienced by people these go beyond that. This is because those experiencing depression find it very hard to deal with the emotional signs which can often interfere with their day-to-day life including work, relationships, and overall quality of life. 

Aside from emotional signs depression can also cause certain physical symptoms that include, changes in appetite and sleep patterns, difficulty in concentrating, etc. 

Reducing Depression Risk With A Healthy Lifestyle: Is that possible?

Leading a healthy lifestyle has long been accepted as the best way to achieve a healthy body but recent studies have shown that it also helps reduce the risk of developing depression considerably. 

As per a study published in the journal Nature Mental Health, modifying certain lifestyle factors can help bring down the risk of developing depression. The study was conducted over a period of nine years and included 287,282 subjects. 

The conclusion was that following a healthy lifestyle that included consuming less alcohol, eating a healthy diet, sleeping well, exercising, and smoking less, whether they have a sedentary life and social interaction lowered the risk of developing depression even if a person had a genetic risk. 

7 Healthy Habits That Can Help Reduce Your Depression Risk

The seven lifestyle habits studied by the researchers at the University of Cambridge and Fudan University for the journal, Nature Mental Health included the following:

  1. Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol consumption in excess is often one of the major causes of developing depression. This is because alcohol causes an imbalance in certain neurotransmitters in the brain that are responsible for mood regulation. This can cause individuals to develop depressive symptoms. Limiting alcohol therefore is a good way to avoid this. 

  1. Diet

Another contributing factor is following a poor diet. This includes consumption of processed foods like cookies, sugary drinks and so on which can cause nutrient deficiencies in the body that can in turn cause imbalances in the production of certain neurotransmitters that regulate our mood. Doctors recommend a good diet of whole grains, good fats, and protein with the required amount of macro and micronutrients.

  1. Physical Activity

Exercising regularly not only has positive effects on your physical health but it also helps you psychologically. It is a mood-boosting activity that releases Endorphins in the brain which help promote feelings of happiness. Aim to include a type of physical activity that you enjoy like walking, running, dancing etc. 

  1. Sleep

Having poor sleep on a regular basis which is characterized by insomnia or trouble completing the recommended sleep hours can also increase an individual’s likelihood of developing depression. Therefore having a good sleep schedule is important. If you are having trouble with that you can try being consistent with when you sleep, avoiding screen time an hour before your sleep time, and following good sleep hygiene practices.

  1. Smoking

Just like alcohol, smoking can also affect neurotransmitters in the brain, particularly dopamine and serotonin which play important roles in mood regulation. In addition, Nicotine is highly addictive which can cause addiction. And when an individual tries to quit smoking they can suffer from mood disorders and possibly depression. 

  1. Sedentary Behavior

In today’s age leading a sedentary life has become the norm with a lot of people being glued to their desks for work or study purposes. In the study, this was also seen as a contributing factor in developing depression. This is because lack of activity creates a shortage in the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, which can negatively affect mood regulation. To counter this, taking regular breaks in between to do light exercises or incorporating any sort of activity into daily routines is recommended.

  1. Social Connection

Depression is mostly seen in people who have a negligent social life, meaning they do not have regular social interactions with friends, family, etc. Social isolation often creates a sense of loneliness which can also increase the risk of an individual developing depression. For this, regular social connections with people are extremely helpful.

Along with these factors the researchers took into consideration the level of triglycerides, c-reactive protein, and changes within the brain’s structure which help in identifying how depression affects both the body and the brain. 

As per the study conducted, out of the seven lifestyle factors getting better sleep showed the most positive impact on reducing depression risk amounting to 22%. Following that not smoking and regular social interaction also showed a significant impact on lowering depression risk which is 20% for the former and and 18% for the latter. 

Besides these, having a healthy diet, having an active lifestyle, consuming less alcohol, and having a moderate sedentary lifestyle also contributed to a lower risk of depression. 


Leading a healthy lifestyle can dramatically reduce an individual’s risk of developing depression even if they have a genetic predisposition. These lifestyle habits can range from exercising to being less sedentary to consuming less alcohol and so on. Incorporating these positive changes into your daily life does not have to be rigid, you can take one positive change and then slowly build up to include the others over the course of time. The goal is not to be perfect but to be consistent. 

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